Season of Gratitude…..Happy Veteran’s Day

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Dedrick Military pic 1When we were kids, we all think about what we want to be when we “ grow up”. Among my friends, most wanted to be lawyers, doctors, firemen, or engineers.  These were all the jobs that paid a lot of money and would get us the big house and fancy car because in our eyes that was the American dream. Very few of my friends talked about the military because we knew it was tough and if there was a chance that a war would develop, we knew we would have to serve. I remember at the age of 18 having to register with the selective service and was I scared. I prayed, “Lord, don’t let them draft me.”

After completing high school, a few of my classmates signed up for the military. I never had the opportunity to ask them why but I would guess it would be for some of the same reasons we wanted to become doctors, lawyers, etc. I must believe there was a very strong desire to defend the country that we love and to this day, I still find that to be honorable.

Today is Veteran’s Day, an official United States holiday which honors people who have served in armed service. I believe that these men and women should be recognized every day for protecting/defending our country. Veterans and active military should get every discount, free meal, etc that we have in our power to give them. They put their lives on the line everyday so we may feel a little safer and free from harm.

I personally would like to say, THANK YOU to veterans and active military! YOU have stood in harm’s way for our safety and defense.  YOU took the risk and put your lives in jeopardy. I appreciate all you have done and will do to protect us! May God be with you everyday!!

DWM Military Pic 2

 Thanks to Dedrick W. Makle for sharing his pics!