Staying Fit and Healthy

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980541_663127923699298_876457488_oIt is amazing how fast the summer comes and goes!  For many of us, we start the New Year with personal goals and most pertaining to weight. We feel that the New Year is the perfect starting point to “kick off” a new us! Whether it’s for personal appearance or health reasons, we are focused and ready to go January 2.

I have seen great results from many of you who have embarked on physical fitness programs, special diets, yoga, and running marathons to improve your overall health. I am proud to say my oldest sister has been very focused and has lost 30 pounds over the past few months by adjusting her diet and exercising (not running but just walking). I am firm believer that if you set your mind to it, all things can be accomplished!

Now that the summer is over, the focus must be maintained! All the dedication and hardwork does not have to stop now. The goal is to continue on this journey (whatever your reasons) to live a healthier life: mind, body and soul.

To help us stay focused and maintain, I have solicited help from personal trainer, Jon Corona from Aspire Strength and Wellness. Jon will share easy exercises and nutritional facts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (via my FB page SV Branches). At the end of the month, I will sit down with Jon for an in-depth interview to discuss the importance of exercising and diet.

Many of us can testify that life can take a toll on the mind and body but it does not have too. We are strong and with the proper routine (prayer, meditation, diet and exercise) we can have a fulfilling life.

Please share (FB or blog) any special recipes, routines or exercises that have helped you along your fitness journey. We can do this together!!

Let’s go!!